“The Unexpected Uses of Digitised Historical Data” Gale Cengage’s Digital Humanities Day (2019)

“Building a Transnational Understanding of Digitised Newspapers” British Library Roadshow (2018)

“Fake News: Mapping 19th Century Newspapers” Public Lecture at the National Library of New Zealand (2018)

“Digital Scissors, Computational Paste: Re-Visualising the Content of 19th Century Newspapers” at the National Library of New Zealand’s Coffee and a Byte Staff Development Lecture Series (2018)

“Point & Click: Bridging the Gap Between Researcher and Research” Guest speaker to the Alexander Turnbull Manuscript Collections Department (2018)

“Georgian Pingbacks” Newspaper Transcription Crowdsourcing Launch in cooperation with the British Library (2017)

“Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics: History and the Impact Agenda” at Altmetricon, hosted by Altmetric (2015)

New Generation Thinkers Competition (Shortlisted), hosted by BBC Radio 3 (2014)

“Fortitude and Frailty” Community Edit-a-Thon in cooperation with Wikimedia UK, funded by The Being Human Festival, British Academy and School of Advanced Study, University of London (2014)

“Family in Border Emigration” Public Lecture at the Border Gathering, Dumfries (2009)