Coin, Kirk, Class and Kin: Emigration, Social Change and Identity in Southern Scotland. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2011.
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
“Of Global Reach Yet of Situated Contexts: An Examination of the Implicit and Explicit Selection Criteria that Shape Digital Archives of Historical Newspapers.” Tessa Hauswedell, Julianne Nyhan, M. H. Beals, Melissa Terras and Emily Bell. Archival Science 20 (2020)
“Close Readings of Big Data: Triangulating Patterns of Textual Reappearance and Attribution in the Caledonian Mercury, 1820-1840” Victorian Periodicals Review 51:4 (Winter 2018/9)
“Scissors and Paste: The Georgian Reprints, 1800-1837” Journal of Open Humanities Data 3 (March 2017)
“Stuck in the Middle: Developing Research Workflows for Multi-Scale Text Analysis” Journal of Victorian Culture 22:2 (2017)
“Rapunzel and the Ivory Tower: How Open Access Will Save the Humanities (from Themselves)” Journal of Victorian Culture 18:4 (December 2013)
“The Sojourning Settler: Transatlantic Networks and Identities in the British-American Tobacco Trade, 1740-1841” Journal of Irish and Scottish Studies 3:1 (August 2009)
“‘Passengers Wishing to Embrace This Commodious Conveyance, Will Apply Immediately’: The Rise in Emigrant Passage Advertising in the Scottish Borders, 1800-1830” International Journal of Local and Regional Studies 4:1 (Spring 2008)
“Caledonian Canaan: Scottish Cultural Identity in Colonial New England as Demonstrated by the Scotch-American Company of Farmers” International Review of Scottish Studies 30 (September 2005)
Book Chapters
“Transnational Exchanges” In Edinburgh History of the British and Irish Newspaper Press, edited by David Finkelstein, 240-60. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2020.
“The Role of the Sydney Gazette in Scottish Perceptions of Australia, 1803-1842” In Historical Networks in the Book Trade, edited by Catherine Feely and John Hinks, 148–70. The History of the Book. Basingstoke: Routledge, 2016.
Scholarly Reports
The Atlas of Digitised Newspapers and Metadata: Reports from Oceanic Exchanges. M. H. Beals and Emily Bell. Loughborough: 2020. DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.11560059.
Map of Digitised Newspaper Metadata v.1.0.0, with Emily Bell. Loughborough, 2020. DOI:10.6084/m9.figshare.11560110.
Re-Visualisations of The Caledonian Mercury by Source Type and Source Location with legends and associated data. Loughborough, 2018. Dataset. DOI:10.6084/m9.figshare.5998454
Scissors and Paste: The Georgian Reprints v1.0.0. Loughborough, 2016. DOI: DOI:10.5281/zenodo.200399
Pedagogical Research
“Historical Insights – Focus on Research: Newspapers” with Lisa Lavender. History Subject Centre (2011)
“International Students in History: A Comparative Study in First Year Transition” History Subject Centre (2010)
Other Scholarly Contributions
“Transforming Data for Reuse and Re-publication with XML and XSL,” The Programming Historian 5 (2016)
“Dumfries & Galloway Courier (1809-1939)” Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century Journalism (Proquest, 2015)