“Software Reuse in Digital Humanities Scholarship” Collaboration Workshop. Software Sustainability Society (2021)
“Creating Wormholes with Digitised Collection” Scottish Cosmopolitanism at the Fin de Siecle. Royal Society of Edinburgh (2021)
“Digitisation and Democratisation” The Archives of Global History in a Time of International Immobility. Institute of Historical Research (2021)
“Teaching and Research with Digital Resource during Covid-19” Gale: A Cengage Company (2020)
“Exploring the Atlas of Digitised Newspapers: Enhancing Access to and Collaborative Research with Digitised Historical Newspapers” Workshop at Digital Humanities, Ottawa (2020) Event Made Virtual owing to Covid-19.
“Echo Chambers and Filter Bubbles: Uncovering Common Readings” English Research Seminar Series. Loughborough University (2020)
“The Provincial-Public Sphere: Scotland, New Zealand and the Newspaper Press in the Age of Telegraph and Steam” English Local History Seminar Series. Centre for Local English History (2020)
“’Here and There, Us and Them: Provincial Conversations between Scotland and New Zealand within the Imperial Press” Modern History Seminar Series. University of St. Andrews (2020)
“Sustainable Software Practice” Panel at the Software Sustainability Institute’s Collaboration Workshop (2020)
“Ontologies and Interoperability” at the Software Sustainability Institute’s Collaboration Workshop (2020)
“Breaking Black Boxes: The Importance of Developing Your Own Research Tools” at the Centre for Media History, Macquarrie University (2018)
“Historical Portals: Preservation, Access and Community Building with Digital Newspaper Archives” History Research Seminar. Sheffield Hallam University (2018)
“A Series of Small Things: The Case Study in the Age of Big Data” Keynote at This & That Camp, Sussex Humanities Lab (2016)
“Understanding 19th-Century Reprint Culture with Plagiarism Detection Software” at the Media and Communication History Seminar Series, Loughborough University (2016)
“Peer-to-Peer Learning, off and online” at RHS New to Teaching Workshop (2016)
“Retraction-less Reprints; or, rumours of his death have been greatly exaggerated” at the Centre for Nineteenth-Century Studies, University of Sheffield (2015).
“Implicit Bribes, Explicit Threats: Emigration, America and the Scottish Press, 1790-1815” at the ISS Research Seminar at Coventry University (2014)
“Evolutionary Plagiarism: Tracing Dissemination Pathways in 19th Century Reprints” at the UCREL Corpus Research Seminar at the University of Lancaster (2014)
“Mennon and McGillivray: Scotland and the American Frontier, 1790-1795″ at the Eighteenth-Century Seminar at the University of Warwick (2014)
“Virgin, Number, Whore: Satire and the Surplus Women Problem, 1790-1840″ at the Institute of Historical Research’s Women’s History Seminar (2014)
“Help Them Try Harder: Integrating the Digital in Historical Thinking” at Digital Humanities at the University of Warwick Workshop Series (2014)
“Cyborgs not Androids: Using Digital Tools to Enhance rather than Replace Traditional Research” at Re/Search in the Digital Age, University of Liverpool (2014)
“Teaching and Learning” at HEA New to Teaching Workshop (2014)
“Social Media and Teaching” at Social Networking for Historians (2014)
“Screen to Page: Making the Most of the Web for Your Research” at the Oxford Brookes University Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Research Student Conference (2013)
“Exemplar(y) History: Academic Writing in First-Year History Modules” at What Do History Students Want (2011)
“Network News: Emigration Advice in the Glasgow Advertiser” at the University of Northampton Department of History Seminar Series (2011)